Friday, May 5, 2023

The father does understand!

Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev, "The Defending Advocate of Israel," is fondly remembered for his love and compassion for all Jews.

Quick Fix

Yerachmiel Tilles


The holy rebbe of BerdichevRabbi Levi Yitzchak, is fondly remembered and praised for his fiery prayers and service of G-d and for his love and compassion for all Jews. Known as "The Defending Advocate of Israel," his pithy and creative arguments on behalf of Jews individually and collectively still inspire and, hopefully, carry influence through the heavenly realms up to the Throne of Glory.

One quick example:** The Jewish wagon drivers of Berdichev felt they had to be ready for work as soon as it became light, so in order to save time, they would wrap tefilin and pray speedily next to their wagons, and at the same time do all the little tasks necessary to prepare the wagons for the road that day. When the Berditchever first saw them doing this, he raised his eyes towards Heaven, and exclaimed, "O Merciful Father, how wonderful are your children, the Jewish people. Even while they work, they pray!"

Of course, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak was not one to fail to try to improve the situation. One day he approached the wagoners as they were completing their prayers and removing their tefilin and tallises. Walking right up to them, he mumbled, "Whydoyoupraysofastnoonecanmakeoutthewordsyadayadablablahetcetc"

"WHAT?" they exclaimed in amazement. He repeated:

"Rabbi, please slow down. And a bit louder. We can't understand a word you are saying."

"Aha!" Rabbi Levi Yitzchak pounced. "So how to you expect The Holy One to understand and accept your prayers, the way you race through them?"

"No, Rabbi," responded immediately the most quick-witted one. "It is just like a baby that is first learning to talk. It sounds like nonsense and no one can understand. EXCEPT the baby's mother; she can always understand her child."

The Berditchever was delighted with their answer. He repeated it at every opportunity. It became yet another quiver in his arsenal to remind his Jewish flock as well as G-d of the ongoing love affair between them.



Thursday, December 15, 2022

NONE of the grandchildren of Rav Chaim Kanievsky took the shots.

Rav Ovadia Yosef Drops a Bomb


Chananya Weissman

December 8, 2022

Rav Ovadia Yosef, son of Rav Yaacov Yosef, grandson of the former Chief Rabbi of Israel whose name he bears, has a weekly radio program on which he takes questions from callers. Two weeks ago a caller brought up the covid and “flu” shots, and the fact that we hear many, many instances of heart attacks, including among children and yeshiva students, the likes of which we never heard of until now. The caller asked what Rav Yosef had to say about this and all the terrifying things that are happening.

Rav Yosef replied that “shev v'al ta'aseh adif”, which means that in cases of doubt such as these it is better to take no action, rather than actively do something which might cause harm. He continued that vaccines in general are a positive thing (sigh), but the recent shots were not sufficiently tested, and there are many problems with them. Therefore, it's better to take no action — in other words, to refrain from taking the shots.

This is what I and others were shouting from the rooftops from day one, although it's been a long time since there was any reasonable doubt. It's long past time that more rabbis who aren't actively working for the enemy do justice to their titles, and state in no uncertain terms that these shots are as forbidden as a Zyklon B shower. (The person who shared this video with me speculated that Rav Yosef has to be very careful about what he says on Israeli public radio, even as he tries to make it clear that people should not take the shots.)

Rav Yosef then added that he knows explicitly that NONE of the grandchildren of Rav Chaim Kanievsky took the shots. He then repeated this emphatically.

The host of the radio program (whose screen must have been flashing “Red Alert!”) quickly said that we rely on the instructions of the Ministry of Health, and that of course there is another side to this.

“We are confused,” replied Rav Yosef ambiguously, and they went to the next call.

The clip (in Hebrew) is available here.

On some level it is a bombshell to be told with such certainty, by a rabbi who is in a position to know, that none of Rav Kanievsky's grandchildren took the shots, when the government and the media they control so heavily leveraged the Kanievsky name to push the accursed shots. Numerous propaganda outlets “reported” the non-existent ruling from Rav Kanievsky.

Of course, they were not actually reporting, but regurgitating what they were given to publish, touching it up a little to make it slightly different from what their colleagues in other propaganda offices were publishing for their targeted populations. They did not investigate or perform actual journalism; the government fed them information and instructions, and they dutifully “reported” it as fact.

When will any of these “media” outlets report this extremely relevant revelation about Rav Kanievsky's grandchildren, spoken clearly from a credible source?

When will people who lie for a living become trustworthy? Never.

The truth is that this charade should never have gotten off the ground. Contrary to the belief of ignorant masses and dishonest people looking to push an agenda, a tortured one-word reply to a leading question shouted in someone's ear in a staged video does not constitute a halachic ruling, let alone a ruling that is actually binding on anyone, let alone a ruling that is binding on the entire Jewish people.

In other words, whatever the “media” was reporting in the name of Rav Kanievsky had exactly zero halachic significance. It was all just a bunch of hot air and rhetoric.

Furthermore, even if, theoretically, all of his grandchildren did take the shots — even if they had an IV drip from the finest German pharmaceutical companies so they could be the first to take every new shot and every new booster for every conceivable medical concern — it would also have exactly zero halachic significance.

Judaism is not a cult. Those who browbeat people with the recently invented notion of “Da'as Torah”, which has become nothing more than a virtue-signaling, kosherized form of “just following orders”, might as well be idolaters, for it is not Hashem they are serving.

There is a time and place for rabbis to adjudicate matters of doubt and offer guidance — provided that they have acquired the requisite knowledge of the matter, studied the specific question carefully from multiple angles, and arrived at an honest, independent conclusion, which they have substantiated so that their ruling can be studied and critiqued.

Sometimes these rulings are binding on an individual, and sometimes these rulings are even binding on a community that has empowered the rabbi or local Beis Din to adjudicate for them.

Under no circumstances can a rabbi — even a pious and scholarly rabbi — simply make a declaration as if it is God's word from Sinai. Anyone who pretends otherwise is distorting the very foundations of the Torah, and is either a brainwashed cultist or a heretic. Rabbis who mislead the people in this fashion are evil and should be banished from the community until such time as we have the power to judge them and punish them as they deserve, may it be soon.

So, on the one hand, this revelation from Rav Yosef is very important, because it might wake up some people about how they have been misled, and then maybe more dominoes can fall.

On the other hand, we should all have enough of a true Torah education not to fall for cheap propaganda orchestrated by the Erev Rav establishment, and tailored by phony rabbis placed in positions of influence specifically to mislead the Jewish people.

For a crash course in this fundamental area, I recommend the following material:

Don't just follow “Da'as Torah”; learn the Torah, really learn it. The more actual knowledge you have, the better equipped you will be to ask intelligent questions, evaluate answers, and tell the difference between a genuine rabbi and a corrupt phony.

When we care enough to acquire the knowledge, we should merit to have genuine rabbis and true Jewish leaders to guide us properly.


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The Shidduch Chronicles and my documentary, Single Jewish Male, are available here.

Download Tovim Ha-Shenayim as a PDF for free! My books are available on Amazon and in Israel directly from me. Email me to order.

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Saturday, March 5, 2022

Yes, There Are Neo-Nazis in Ukraine's Army and Security Forces.

great vid why west is supporting ukraine. 


col douglas macgregor; zelensky is a puppet. killing his own people as it were.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Why Corona? A sign from Heaven.

I have been davening for a sign or a dream to help me understand what is happening to God's world and how to proceed. 

I met with a man today who told me in the name of a tzadik the reason Corona came to the world. 

People stopped serving G-d properly and instead started serving money and doctors as well as the science that doctors base themselves on. 

So Hashem repays mida kneged mida. Who are the ones that brought the destruction to the world? The rich families of the world who own almost everything. Roth**hilds, etc.

Secondly, who are the ones in the front lines of the murder machines? ( Most people don't want to hear this) Unfortunately, the doctors themselves have refused to treat patients and are the ones pushing experimental injunctions on the whole world population. 

Hashem wants our teshuva. According to my friend, he thinks the worst is over. beH. People are doing teshuva. For some reason it looks to me more goyim are aware to the agenda than yidden. Maybe just due to the population differences. 

What my friend says will have to happen now when enough people do teshuva is we'll have to rise up and kill the evil in the world. 

We should daven for the destruction of evil right away and the immediate revelation of our righteous Moshiach. 

Praying for Hashem to reveal more insights into where we are heading and how to survive the last day or days of galus. 

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Beis Din Testimony from last week.

Thank you to whomever put these together; (Dr. Peter McCullough) (Dr. Richard Urso) (Dr. Robert Malone) (Dr. Jane Ruby) (Dr. Christiane Northrup) (Dr. Janci Lindsay) (Dr. Jessica Rose) (Dr. Michael Yeadon) (Dr. Eric Feintuch, and then Esther Black at the 18:12 mark)

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

בס״ד Rabbonim Meeting בעז״ה Tuesday


Rabbonim Meeting בעז״ה Tuesday 

כ׳ חשון October 26 

Be’ezras Hashem, 9 am EDT

In advance of the FDA meeting regarding approving the Covid Vaccine for children, a Beis Din will be meeting and hearing testimony from expert doctors and scientists, and from victims. 

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 952 175 3151 

Passcode: 248 

Or call-in 



And enter:

Meeting ID: 952 175 3151 #

And then

Passcode: 248 #

All Rabbonim, doctors and community leaders are invited to watch the testimonies. Open to concerned members of the public as well.


BezH, the doctors and experts testifying are:

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche 

Dr. Peter McCullough 

Dr. Robert Malone 

Dr. Jane Ruby

Attorney Thomas Renz

Dr. Christiane Northrup 

Dr. Michael Yeadon 

Dr. Janci Lindsay 

Dr. Richard Urso

* Plus, Vaccine Victims and those who care for them

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Propaganda machine marches on.

I read today that the state of Israel will only be letting in people who've recovered from Covi d within the last six months or that have succomed to getting injected to come to Israel. Looks like Jews who have not given into the vaccine program or as Bill Gates called it, the final solution, are no longer considered Jewish and will not find a safe haven in Israel any more. This is obviously very reminiscent of WW2 but don't look to the people in charge as they have a thousand excuses up their sleeve as to why it's right and moral. 

My dear daughter asked me today, tati, what is in these shots that's killing people? I said excellent question. Why adults don't want to know what they are injecting themselves with is beyond me. Why are there no safety reports that come with these injections? All you get is to sign a relief of liability form. In the case you're injured, which is extremely probable, unfortunately, you're on your own. 

In school today they were discussing Co vid and such. One girl said she knows of someone who was paralyzed in his gaccanand, another debacle from taking a mixture of vaccines. This is something which was regular practice in Canada, with zero testing of course, why would you? It's like mixed Coke and Pepsi, no problem. The teacher said definitely not from the shots! Unbelievable, even according to the US government there have been almost one million serious side effects to these shots. Not to mention Guillain-Barré syndrome, which would have such an effect is rampant. The propaganda machine continues unabated.

Monday, October 18, 2021


 When is this galus going to break? It's become truly impossible to live anymore. How did we allow such a great deception to take over the earth? Kids are begging their parents to let them inject themselves with bioweapons so they can go bowling with their friends. People are dieing while so called doctors are refusing to treat them with well known life saving medications. So called "vaccines" give common injuries and we are not allowed to report them. The world is heading towards a sick and cruel nazi regime. It's truly a time when we look up to heaven and say Dear Tati, we have absolutely nothing to rely on besides You!!! Please have mercy and take us out of this deep dark golus! Please let Moshiach come and redeem us now!

looking forward to Nuremberg trials 2.0 here's a video about the first time around.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Who's paskening?

This was posted at; i haven't seen it confirmed or questioned. Here's the story if you haven't seen it yet. 

It was a hot mid-August afternoon of 2021 when we set out to Bnei Brak to speak with Rebbetzin Kolodetsky, the daughter of Rav Chaim Kanievsky, shlita. We were a few women, including one who since taking the first shot of the vaccine five months ago has had terrible medical injuries and still today cannot function properly. We wanted to convey to the Rebbetzin the non-stop vaccine injuries now happening to people.

Baruch Hashem, we managed to get in to see her. The Rebbetzin started by asking everyone, “Are you all vaccinated? I’m sorry I have to ask, but those are the instructions I’ve received.” We reassured her that we’d all had corona. We asked her for personal brachos and then introduced ourselves. We explained to the Rebbetzin that since the vaccine rollout began, health professionals are receiving non-stop phone calls about injuries after vaccination. Healers everywhere are scrambling to try to figure out how to help them because the injuries are new to the medical world and thus hard to treat.

We introduced the woman injured by the vaccine – she cannot function today for more than ten minutes without having to lie down afterwards. This woman only took the vaccine after a friend sent her the video of Rav Chaim saying to vaccinate. We showed the Rebbetzin the reports from VAERS of the injured and dead amongst only the 12-17 age group. She seemed genuinely shocked by what we were telling her.

The Rebbetzin asked us, “How can this be? Why can’t you tell this to the Ministry of Health? Do they know this information?” She told us that she has no knowledge and was only doing what she was told to do – to tell people to vaccinate.” We asked her. “Who told you?” She replied that her personal family doctor, Dr. Hardt, told her and that she goes after her father, Rav Chaim. We asked her if she could pass on this information to her father and she answered, “No, I can’t, because my father is ‘out of it.’ He barely recognizes me, and barely says anything.” We were left wondering how it was possible that serious and far-reaching psakim were being said in his name…

The Rebbetzin told us, “You must speak to Dr. Hardt and to Rav Firer. If Dr. Hardt tells me what you’re saying is true, I will straight away say to stop vaccinating.” We asked if we could err on the side of caution. In a situation of safekpikuachnefesh, shouldn’t we say to stop straight away, and then investigate? She said, “Yes, from now on, I won’t tell people to vaccinate.”

We told her that now as we were talking, the day is beginning in the U.S. and yeshiva bachurim are being vaccinated because the yeshivos won’t accept them if they are not vaccinated because “Rav Chaim and Rebbetzin Kodletsky said.” She replied, “Who listens to me in the U.S.?” and we replied, “The whole litvish world! You, the Rebbetzin, have world-wide power. What comes out of your mouth is sacred to many people around the world who will do whatever you say. You must realize the responsibility!”

We concluded that we would speak with Dr. Hardt, and left on good terms. We knocked on the doctor’s door, late in the evening. He was not home yet and his wife did not allow us to come in and wait for him. She straight away asked, “Is it about the vaccines?” When we said yes, she told us that her husband would not talk to us. She explained that other groups had been here to talk to him, he had investigated the subject, and it was closed. We argued back and forth, and finally, to her credit, she relented and agreed to ask her husband if he could talk with us. He agreed, and we managed to talk to him and his wife till late in the night.

Dr. Hardt asked many good questions including, “I’ve always relied on the directives of the Ministry of Health, so why should I not be able to listen to them now?” We explained. They listened. They seemed genuinely troubled by the scope and number of injuries. They told us to please give this information over to Rav Zilberstein and Rav Firer because those are the ones they listen to.

We said we would follow up with them.

Imagine my surprise and shock when a few days later, a video went viral of Rebbetzin Kolodetsky telling everyone to go and get the third booster shot – including pregnant women and children over 12.

The Rebbetzin put out this video a few days after we spoke to her.

I called Mrs. Hardt and expressed my surprise and shock about the video, after we had spoken to the Rebbetzin at length. I asked Mrs. Hardt how the Rebbetzin could put out such a video after what we spoke about. I couldn’t believe what Mrs. Hardt said to me:

I only answered the phone when you called because you’re really nice. For your own good, I’m telling you to get out of this story. We got orders from high places. Everything you told us has been checked and that is that. I can’t tell you the reasons. My husband doesn’t allow me to talk to you so if we get cut off, it’s because he took the phone away from me.

And then we got cut off…

Tuesday, August 10, 2021


 "“I compare it to 1930s Germany,” Cummins says, “and I'm very specific. Some people get very angry about referring back to that period. But I'm not referring to the Holocaust. I'm not referring to the ‘40s. I refer back to 1930s Germany, when Goebbels and the rest of them, they put a radio in every house, free of charge, I believe.

They knew, ‘Once we've got a conduit, or a channel into every house, and we feed them what we want to feed them, we've got them.’ I think there was a quote from one of the Nazi party [who said], ‘Give me control of the media, and I will turn any nation into a nation of pigs.’ They had contempt for the people. But they were very smart, and they pulled off, obviously, an absolute horror.

People get really angry if you compare it to that period but it's a perfect analogy. Take over the media, mass propaganda for sustained periods, and then you can almost do what you want. I mean, the nonsense that they've come out with, so many times in the last year, people should just laugh at it. It should be a farce, a comedy.

But people are not laughing. They've just gotten used to being fed umbilically from the media and the professors and experts. And no matter what nonsense they say, they just take it on board.”",it%20on%20board.%E2%80%9D

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Proclaim liberty throughout the land.

Videos of four superstar doctors testifying before the Beit Din (Judges for Jewish law) in Israel:

Dr McCullough:

Dr Ruby:

Dr Zelenko:

Dr Yeadon:

looks like only way to view these is to download them for now.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

60 Minutes: Swine Flu (1976)

Learn from the failed swine flu vaccine of the 1970's.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Rebbe's real view.

Friday, February 12, 2021

From Rabbi Green's shlita blog. One of the last remnants of emes in the world.

Doctors and the Covid Injection

Many are asking:

Should I take the covid injection since so many doctors are recommending it? What if my rofeh yedid* recommends it?


There are matters concerning which the Rebbe never said to consult with a rofeh yedid. CT scans during pregnancy is an example. He simply said not to do it, under any circumstances, irrespective of what any doctor says.

Likewise, the Rebbe never said to consult a rofeh yedid about whether one should vaccinate.

Instead, he stipulated that one should take only it if its safety is tried and proven, its safety record is well-established, manufactured by companies with reputations of being incontrovertibly saafe and reliable. We already discussed how none of these conditions apply with regard to the current experimental covid injection.

Consequently, your rofeh yedid has absolutely no authority in this matter, nor does any other doctor, or not even a majority of the world’s doctors. Their view is halachically irrelevant in this discussion. It would be foolhardy and irresponsible to listen to them.

In fact, it’s quite the contrary. Numerous expert doctors have come out against this experimental pharmaceutical product. They warn about the risks of pathogenic priming, and maintain that it carries significant known and unknown risks that include lifelong injury and death.

Shulchan Aruch Harav, Orach Chaim siman 618:5, states categorically that if there are two physicians who caution against fasting and raise concerns that it could cause serious risk to the patient, even if a hundred other doctors insist that it’s safe for the patient to fast, and even if these hundred have superior credentials, the law is that it is forbidden for him to fast, because with regards to uncertainty involving life and death, a stringent ruling is not determined by greater wisdom or greater numbers. Instead, the two who caution that the patient should NOT fast serve as expert testimony, and two witnesses are considered equivalent to a hundred by Scriptural decree.

Halacha requires us to err on the side of caution.

Nearly every time the Rebbe spoke about territorial integrity of Eretz Yisroel, he invoked Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim siman 329:6, and the laws of pikuach nefesh.

Likewise in our current dilemma, we must stay true and consistent with the Rebbe’s approach.

Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim siman 618 clearly precludes this injection.

It is categorically prohibited by Jewish law, and that is the end of the discussion.

It doesn’t matter if a preponderance of rabbis still endorses this ill-advised product. It was exactly the same thing with regards to land for peace. Nearly all rabbis supported this foolhardy move due to overwhelming societal, government and media pressure, but that did not change the Rebbe’s stance one iota.

For decades, he stood up as a lone voice maintaining the truth. He was once asked: “But what about the majority of rabbonim who support land for peace?”

The Rebbe replied that Rabbi Yosef Karo only published his Code of Jewish Law after getting the agreement of all the leading rabbanim of the generation, and that the Shulchan Aruch has been universally embraced by all Klal Yisroel. As such, his unequivocal psak din represents the majority view for all Jews of all times. So in fact, the Rebbe’s insistence for shleimus ha’aretz DOES represent the majority view of Klal Yisroel by very definition.

It’s exactly the same here in our current discussion.

By adhering to the Rebbe’s bold example and to the timeless ruling of Shulchan Aruch, we shall surely succeed in safeguarding the health of our families and communities.

אין לנו אלא דברי בן עמרם.

The truth will prevail, since אמת מארץ תצמח. Truth will sprout from the earth, and tzemach is the name of Moshiach... because by boldly and unambiguously asserting the truth, we shall proceed directly to the true and complete geulah, through Moshiach Tzidkeinu, in the most immediate present!

No comments:

Thursday, January 7, 2021

MD dead after Pfizer vaccine.

The love of my life, my husband Gregory Michael MD

an Obstetrician that had his office in Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach Died the day before yesterday due to a strong reaction to the COVID vaccine.

He was a very healthy 56 year old, loved by everyone in the community delivered hundreds of healthy babies and worked tireless through the pandemic.

He was vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine at MSMC on December 18, 3 days later he saw a strong set of petechiae on his feet and hands which made him seek attention at the emergency room at MSMC. The CBC that was done at his arrival showed his platelet count to be 0 (A normal platelet count ranges from 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood.) he was admitted in the ICU with a diagnosis of acute ITP caused by a reaction to the COVID vaccine. A team of expert doctors tried for 2 weeks to raise his platelet count to no avail. Experts from all over the country were involved in his care. No matter what they did, the platelets count refused to go up. He was conscious and energetic through the whole process but 2 days before a last resort surgery,  he got a hemorrhagic stroke caused by the lack of platelets that took his life in a matter of minutes.

He was a pro vaccine advocate that is why he got it himself. 

I believe that people should be aware that side effects can happened, that it is not good for everyone and in this case destroyed a beautiful life, a perfect family, and has affected so many people in the community

Do not let his death be in vain please save more lives by making this information news.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Crimes against humanity.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Plandemic 2

Monday, July 27, 2020

HCQ saves lives.

Watch US doctors describe the deception being done against the American people. 

The people have waken up. The powers that be are trying to kill us off. Muzzle us up with face masks and stick needles in our bodies. 

At the same time there's a tried and true drug that's widely available for use beeing denied American citizens. 

The doctor in video said it best speaking to her fellow physicians. Don't be like a "good German" in world war two and let Jews die pretending you don't know anything. 

part 2

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

See how to treat and survive Covid 19.

great Dr. Zelenko interview.
very important to see how to treat Covid19 in its early stages;

important part 2 as well;

Sunday, July 12, 2020

KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov's warning to America from 1984.

He realized the evil of the communist regime back in the seventies and defected to Canada. He tried to warn the West what will happen when American schools are brainwashed with leftist ideology. We see now the truth of his words so clearly. May Hashem help us come out of this bitter golus.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

End of Exile Rabbi Kessin.

It starts at 58 minutes. How will the American exile end?

Let's look at two scenarios;


Will US be taken oven by the radical left has v shalom causing people to flee? The pandemic has erased the achievements of Donald Trump. The race riots have caused an uprise of communists. That would be the end of America.


Hashem is showing the American people exactly what will happen when the communists take over america, crime, end of security, backward economic policies and this will make the american people rebel against the radical left. this is the good scenario that Hashem prefers.

Anyway, watch it if it floats your boat and let us know.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

A cure for Covid 19. Cost $20.00 plus zinc sulfate.

This video was published back in March 2020 but it already had the cure to Covid 19 outlined. By using hydroxychloroquine to open up a passageway into the cell and allow zinc to enter and stop the virus from reproducing. Dr. Zelenko saw this and added the antibiotic azithromycin that a Dr. in France was using with hydroxychloroquine. The Zelenko protocol was born. I am not a Dr. but when I see something works and it can save lives I'll take it, especially considering the alternatives.

You can find the latest info on this podcast;


You can find the newly published study here;